Friday, March 02, 2007

It Takes a Village... to Force Change at Yahoo!

My fellow Yahoo! shareholders:

Last week, we launched our formal "Plan B" campaign to improve Yahoo!'s long-term competitive advantage which will benefit all Yahoo! users, employees, and shareholders.

We submitted the plan to Yahoo!'s corporate secretary as business to be brought forward at the May 24 annual meeting of shareholders. We also filed the necessary papers for me to stand for election to the Yahoo! board of directors.

The campaign for "Plan B" is on. It's going to be an exciting next 12 weeks.

What are we campaigning specifically for? Three things.

1. Adoption by Yahoo! of the nine points laid out in "Plan B," which also includes;

2. All Yahoo! shareholders to vote "withhold" for the following directors: Semel, Kotick, Bostock, Burkle, Hippeau, Kern, and Wilson;

3. All Yahoo! shareholders to vote "for" for the following directors and proposed directors: Yang, Kozel, Joshi, and Jackson.

However, no campaign would get very far without the blood, sweat, and tears of ardent supporters and volunteers. "Plan B" needs your help.

We need your creative movies, political advertisements, photos, other ideas, and general support to make the "Plan B" a success. And we only have 12 weeks. And, sorry, we can't pay you anything.

However, you will be supporting a great cause (the long-term betterment of Yahoo!) and there's a chance, if your work is good, that it will be picked up by the mainstream media.

So far, before our campaign even began, we received prominent coverage in AP,, Dow Jones/Wall Street Journal Online, The New York Times, Red Herring, Seeking Alpha,, TechCrunch, and Time. Just think where we can get coverage if YOU get involved.

Please comment below or email me if you want to join this movement.

You can make a difference.

We can make Yahoo a better company for all its users, employees, and shareholders.



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