Thursday, October 18, 2012

The 25 Biggest Regrets in Life. What Are Yours?

We are all busy.
Life happens.
There’s always something to distract us from getting around to certain things we know we should do.
Soccer practice.  Work. Home renos. Getting that next big promotion.
And with the explosion of always-on smartphones and tablets delivering a fire hose of urgent emails, not to mention Twitter and Facebook (FB), in recent years, things have only gotten busier.
In the backs of our minds, we know we’re neglecting some stuff we should do. But we never get around to it.
Then, something happens.  A good friend or loved one – maybe close to us in age – drops dead unexpectedly.  We begin to think about what our biggest regrets would be if we were suddenly sitting on our death bed.
Here is a list of the 25 biggest ones we’ll probably have.

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